More first day fun!
over 5 years ago, Matt Renaud
First grade
3rd grade-already busy!
 Kindergarten rocks!
Kindergarten Rocks!
First Day Of School! Everyone is excited to be back!
over 5 years ago, Matt Renaud
Jr High locker chaos on the first day!
First PE class
Jr High locker chaos on the first day!
Second grade
RGS Open House is tonight from 6:00-6:45. Parents should go straight to classrooms. Early Childhood, K, 1st, and 2nd graders should bring their school supplies tonight. Welcome Back RGS!
over 5 years ago, Matt Renaud
Raccoon Cross Country practice will start on Monday, August 19th from 3:00 to 4:30. All 4th-8th grade students who are interested must have a current sports physical on file at school before Monday.
over 5 years ago, Valerie Michael
Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! May all of our students to aspire to show the qualities that will award them the recognition of "Student of the Month!"
over 5 years ago, Raccoon Grade School
February Students of the Month
Congratulations to our January Students of the Month. Your ambition, perseverance and hard work has been noticed by your teachers and staff at RGS. We are proud of you!
almost 6 years ago, Raccoon Grade School
RGS's January students of the month
We are proud of our Raccoon Blue Devils basketball team as they had a great season, but were defeated Saturday at Rend Lake. Great sportsmanship was displayed even as we ended our season. They fought until the end and everyone was cheering them on. Great season RGS!
almost 6 years ago, Raccoon Grade School
The boy's basketball team