Just a reminder.... *Family Reading Night is Tonight 6-7:30pm for those K-5th families that signed up! Book fair will be open at 5pm for those attending Family Reading Night. Family Reading Night will start promptly at 6 PM .Please make sure your are in the gym by 6pm .
2 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Just a reminder.... *Book fair starts today!! *Family Reading Night is Tuesday 6-7:30pm for those K-5th families that signed up!( Book fair will be open) * Spring concert is Thursday 6pm ( doors open at 5:30pm). * 8th grade graduation pictures Friday. * 11:30 dismissal on Friday.
2 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Just a reminder.... today is a 2:00pm dismissal!
3 months ago, Misty Rinehart
10 mins left to bid on the first 5 items. Remember you must be on the love showers for ledger page to bid.
3 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Book fair is coming!!!
3 months ago, Misty Rinehart
book fair
Dear Families, Our Book Blast event has just a few days left. If you haven’t, register your student and invite at least 10 friends and family: http://bookblast.booksarefun.com/RaccoonCSD62801 Already registered? We still need your help to get more books for our students. Inviting 2 more friends or family to this wonderful cause will help us reach our goal (use the link above). Your participation also helps our teachers earn school supplies and books for their classrooms, and your student still has a chance to win a Treasure Chest stuffed with cash! Thank you for showing our students they are supported by you, your friends, family, and our community! Thank you,
3 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Due to illness we do not have a driver for the Green bus. We will have to split with other buses and drop off times will be later. Please bare with us on the later times getting home. If you are able to pick up your student please call the school .
3 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Elementary Cross Categorical Special Education Teacher Posting Date: April 9, 2024 The Raccoon Grade School Board of Education is in search of a Full-time Elementary Cross Categorical Special Education Teacher (5th -8th grade) for the 2024-2025 school term. Properly certified candidates should send a letter of interest, resume, references, and a copy of certifications to: Misty Johannes, Superintendent, Raccoon Grade School, 3601 State Route 161, Centralia, Illinois 62801. Position will remain open until filled. Raccoon C.S.D. #1 is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
3 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Just a reminder... PTO Meeting tonight at 5:30pm.
3 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Please check your child's backpack for picture packets and eclipse glasses that will be going home today.
3 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Just a reminder..... Today is a 2:00pm Dismissal!
3 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Parents and Staff: Due to safety concerns, we will not be in attendance on Monday, April 8th (eclipse day).   The traffic concerns with 161 and being so close to the interstate have impacted our decision to be off on this day.  The availability of law enforcement to reach us, if needed,  is an additional concern. We will be sending home eclipse glasses for your child, and teachers will be educating your student about the safety precautions of participating in an eclipse.     Thank you, Mrs. Johannes Please note the changes in the calendar: 4/8 Will be a non-attendance day 5/23  LAST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS 5/24 Teacher in-service
3 months ago, Stacie Dalton
April's Menu
3 months ago, Misty Rinehart
April menu2024
Just a reminder... school resumes tomorrow Tuesday April 2nd. Also be on the look out for "Love showers for Ledger" calendar coming home. It is also posted on our Facebook page. Hope everyone had a great Spring Break and we will see you in the morning!
3 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Donut pick up day! 3pm-6pm!!When picking up donuts, please park in the parking lot and enter through the cafeteria doors.
3 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Just a reminder..... today is Krispy Kreme donut orders pick up day from 3-6pm! All orders must be picked up today! Thank you so much for supporting our students!!!
3 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Just a reminder... today is a 2pm dismissal!
3 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Just a reminder... RGS Blood Drive is Today...Wednesday March 20, 2024 2pm-6pm in the gym https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/raccoon_grade_school_ar/live_feed_image/image/7191679/large_jN6No7ptgcOd2tZJdnPDEg.png
3 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Raccoon Grade School will utilize an E-Learning Day Today, Tuesday March 19th due to the school being a polling place for the election. Your child must complete Day 2 of their E-learning packets. All staff will be at school from 9am-1pm. You can contact teachers if you have any questions concerning the E-Learning packets during the time period. Just a reminder.... Work assigned on E-Learning days will be due upon returning to school. No extra time will be given for incomplete work and will count as an unexcused absence. Thank you!
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Just a reminder ... Raccoon Grade School will utilize an E-Learning Day Tomorrow, Tuesday March 19th due to the school being a polling place for the election. Your child must complete Day 2 of their E-learning packets. All staff will be at school from 9am-1pm. You can contact teachers if you have any questions concerning the E-Learning packets during the time period. Just a reminder.... Work assigned on E-Learning days will be due upon returning to school. No extra time will be given for incomplete work and will count as an unexcused absence. Thank you!
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart