Raccoon Grade School will utilize an E-Learning Day Tuesday, March 19th due to the school being a polling place for the election. Your child must complete Day 2 of their E-learning packets. All staff will be at school from 9am-1pm. You can contact teachers if you have any questions concerning the E-Learning packets during the time period. Just a reminder.... Work assigned on E-Learning days will be due upon returning to school. No extra time will be given for incomplete work and will count as an unexcused absence. Thank you!
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
honor roll
Reminder.... all doughnut orders and money are due by 2pm today. No orders turned in after 2pm will be filled! Thank you
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Just a reminder.... All Krispy Kreme orders and Money are due tomorrow Friday March 15.
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Message from the PTO.... We apologize for the inconvenience, but we have had to move the Krispy Kreme donut pickup day to Thursday March 21st from 3-6pm. Thank you for supporting our students.
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Tomorrow is picture day!!! We will also be taking volleyball, student leadership, scholar bowl, and track pictures for the yearbook. Please bring your t-shirts or uniforms. Order before Picture Day to receive free shipping to the school. Ordering online is easy, visit https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/85101GF
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Just a reminder .... Today is PTO Meeting at 5:30pm
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
We are always looking for ways to improve our school and we value your input. One way to provide us with input is for you to take the 5 Essentials 2023-24 Illinois Supplemental Parent Survey. A link to the survey can be found below. The survey is completely anonymous and should only take a few minutes. Again, we greatly appreciate you and your effort in taking this survey. Survey closes March 29, 2024. http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Just a reminder, PTO Meeting This Tuesday, March 12 at 5:30 pm
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Oops.... March 14th is also Picture day. So as much as we would love to see all the pirates for picture day, let's celebrate pi day on Friday March 15th! Celebrating Pi Day on Friday, March 15th is Pi Day! To celebrate Raccoon School is dressing up like pi-rates! Join in the fun next Friday, but leave your pirate weapons at home! There will be prizes for the top 3 student pirates and the top staff pirate!
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Thursday, March 14th is Pi Day! To celebrate Raccoon School is dressing up like pi-rates! Join in the fun next Thursday, but leave your pirate weapons at home! There will be prizes for the top 3 student pirates and the top staff pirate!
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Lost and found is starting to overflow. We don't want to leave a mess before we leave for spring break. Please speak with your child and make sure they check the lost & found before March 19th! All lost and found items will be clean out and donated on March 19. Thank you
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Just a reminder ..... Today is a 2:00pm Dismissal.
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Reminder ... Today 3rd-8th grade will start State Testing. Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast this morning and don't forget 3rd-8th grade may wear pajama pants !
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Dear Parents/ Guardians of 3rd-8th grade students, Starting Monday , March 4th your child will begin State Testing and we need your help to get students ready.We will be testing all week long, Monday March 4th - 8th.
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Starting Monday!
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Dr. Seuss fun continues! We had a wonderful guest reader today for E.C, Prek, Kindergarten and 1st! The kids enjoyed the stories and crafts she brought with her! Happy Dr. Seuss week!❤️🩵📖🩵❤️
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
Mrs. Johannes sent "Thing 1" and "Thing 2 " around to all the classes delivering fish!!! Dr. Seuss Week!
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart
red fish
March Menu
4 months ago, Misty Rinehart